“Epro Tele-Caring Program” is a volunteer caring call service organised by Epro Telecom and The Mental Health Association of Hong Kong. It aims to lend a non-judgmental and supportive ear to the people with MI to let them express their feelings and emotions, and ultimately help them expanding their social circle and enhancing their self-confidence. During the program, volunteers will call and talk with their partners regularly to provide caring and emotional support over the phone. This is the second year of our program, and we are really delighted to see an increase in the number of participants and support than that of first year.
In order to equip our volunteers in becoming a caring caller, Epro Telecom organized a half-day training at Mental Health Association of Hong Kong Jockey Club Building on 19 May 2018. After the training, volunteers met their corresponding partners face to face for the first time and later shared an enjoyable lunch together in a cheerful and friendly atmosphere.