Have you ever imagined that there a professional masseur who stays in your office and provides you a great massage you any time?...
Oxfam Trailwalker 2019
This year, ETS teamed up with the Stan Group to send 3 teams of athletes colleagues to challenge the "Oxfam Trailwalker" 2019 for crossing the 100km MacLehose Trail within 48 hours....
October birthday party
In October birthday party, we officially announced the winner of the "Halloween 8-Bit decor Competition"!...
Halloween 8-bit Decor Competition
Happy Halloween! This year, we organized a Halloween decoration competition to add more fun to the special occasion. Each department was assigned a wall and different colors of memo pad to be decorated and to...
Sowers Action Challenging 12 Hours 2019
This year, ETS teamed up with the Stan Group to send a team of athletes colleagues to challenge the "Sowers Action Challenging 12 Hours 2019"...