Epro Telecom was appointed the only outsourcing Call Centre Service Provider for So-net Hong Kong since July 2003. Ride on our solid experience in customer retention projects, Epro Telecom has been able to increase the retention rate for So-net over 250% within the first six months of outsourcing. Mirror to this success was the inbound sales hotline services of which Epro Telecom was responsible to handle the incoming calls and capture each sales opportunity to acquire new broadband customers for So-net.
Complement to its marketing activities, the acquisition rate of the hotline has been increased 200% over the first half year and has become one of the major acquisition channels for the business. "We very much appreciate to have Epro Telecom as our Outsource Working Partner, they are highly experienced and professional in managing call centre services and has fully demonstrated their strength on sales in both of our retention and acquisition services." quoted Mr. Takashi Fujisaki, the Manager of Sales and Marketing Section of So-net Hong Kong.
About So-net So-net Hong Kong was launched in July 2001 as Sony's first internet venture outside of Japan. It combined high quality network systems with a unique and dynamic contents domain to provide high speed and reliable residential broadband services in Hong Kong.